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Friday 26 August 2011

Packing a Healthy School Lunch

To create nutrient rich lunches, try to include the following in your child’s lunch to give them the energy they need for a day of learning and playing at school:
·        Whole Grains- Use whole-grain bread, pita or tortillas and be sure to pack in a container that keeps sandwichs/wraps from being squished.
·        Fruits and vegetables- Choose fresh, dried, or canned fruits.  Cut veggies into bite-sized pieces to make them easier to eat.  Send yogurt for a fruit dip to provide your child with protein and calcium.     
·        Protein- Use lean lunch meats and low-fat cheese in sandwiches.  Since peanut butter is not permitted in most schools due to peanut allergies, explore other options such as almond or hazelnut butter.  In addition to lean lunch meat, beans, nuts, cheese and tofu are great protein sources for growing children.
·        Calcium- Send milk in a thermos or enroll your child in a milk program at school, if available. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium and is available in many different flavors.  If your child has an allergy/intolerance to milk, calcium fortified juices, soy milk, and almond milk are good alternatives.

Seredas Crew

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